Constantine E. McGuire was a man of mystery. Although he was member of the
American Historical Association for more than fifty years and was treasurer of
that association for six years, at his death the available records showed little
beyond the date he had joined the association, and did not indicate even where
he had been educated, nor in what university or field of study he had worked.
The situation was no different at the American Catholic Historical Association,
of which he had been president in 1933. Although he resided in Washington for 38
years, his closest associates did not know where he lived, but simply knew that
he could be reached by writing to him at Box 1, the Cosmos Club. This was his
address for 48 years and continued to be used until his death, although he had
moved from Washington to Geneva, New York, at the end of 1952. In that town also
he had no published address, but received communications at Post Office Box 447.
In some ways, the Cosmos Club
was the center about which McGuire's public life revolved. For decades he could
be found there, almost every day, in its lounge rooms, library, or dining room.
Most of his acquaintances assumed that he lived at the club, but an associate
who saw him almost daily for years told me that McGuire had a house at Chevy
Chase, cared for by an ancient housekeeper. This ministrator may have been a
relative, for, when McGuire was himself already in his sixties, he told various
people that he was the economic support of seven very old persons, of whom three
were in ill health.
I wrote above that McGuire
could be found at the Club "almost every day", but in fact he vanished from
Washington for weeks or even months, every year, on business trips abroad,
chiefly to Latin America. Many who knew him casually at the club were puzzled as
to what he did, and tended to assume, from his obvious great learning, that he
must be some kind of a professor. Indeed, as we shall see, that is what he
planned to be and probably should have been, but, in fact, for more than
forty-five years, his chief living came from his work as a private and very
confidential consulting expert in international economic affairs, especially in
matters of international finance and foreign commercial law. When still in his
twenties, he drafted numerous treaties and other international agreements in
commercial affairs for our State Department and was, for years, economic adviser
and financial adviser to various foreign governments. It was rumored among
McGuire's friends that he was one of the most influential Catholic laymen in the
United States, had been adviser to the papacy on American financial matters,
and, in the summer of 1929, just before the stock market crash, had advised the
Vatican to transfer its security holdings here into gold in anticipation of a
While we are concerned with
rumors, it might be mentioned that a character in Somerset Maugham's novel,
The Razor's Edge (a part played by Clifton Webb in the film version) was
reputed to have been inspired by McGuire.
Whatever truth there may be
in such rumors, it is a fact that at the age of thirty-two (in February, 1923),
McGuire was made a Knight of St. Gregory the Great by Pope Pius XI, and included
among his associates and friends many influential scholars and officials of the
cosmopolitan world in which he lived. None of these, however, was allowed to
have any overall view of his activities, so that it is no easy task today to
give an adequate account of his life.

Constantine E. McGuire Ph.D.
Constantine McGuire was born in Boston on 4 April 1890 and, like many ambitious
Boston-Irish, penetrated the precincts of Yankeedom by attending the Boston
Latin School and Harvard University. At both places, he was a contemporary of
Joseph P. Kennedy. McGuire took three Harvard degrees: a bachelor's degree,
magna cum laude, in political science in 1911. a master's degree in history
the following year, and a doctorate, also in history, in 1915. His chief
interest lay in the history of public law and institutions of the Middle Ages,
so that much of his study was with Charles Homer Haskins and Roscoe Pound. With
the latter he studied Roman law and comparative law. In 1913-1914 he went to
Europe on a Harvard Travelling Fellowship, chiefly to Madrid and to Paris, where
he studied law. He also attended classes or courses at Leiden, Bonn, and
Salamanca. In Paris he attended the �cole des Langues Orientales Vivantes, and
began to dream of seeing a similar institution in the United States.
On his return to Harvard in
1914, McGuire became an instructor in history and wrote his doctoral
dissertation on the history of immunities from royal jurisdiction. He took his
Ph.D. in 1915 and looked forward to becoming a Harvard professor, but, in the
course of that year, it was made clear to him that, as he expressed it, "Harvard
had an unwritten rule which barred any Roman Catholic from teaching medieval
Bitterly disappointed at this
blow, from which he never really recovered, McGuire left Harvard and gave up all
aim of a teaching career. He took a position as research assistant in the office
of the Secretary-General of the Inter-American High Commission in Washington,
and within a few months, was made Assistant Secretary-General. At that time, the
High Commission had much prestige, since its ten members consisted of John
Bassett Moore, Samuel Untermyer, Paul M. Warburg, John H. Fahey, Duncan U.
Fletcher, David F. Houston as chairman, Guillermo A. Sherwell, Leo S. Rowe, and
ex-Mayor Andrew J. Peters of Boston. The Commission had twenty-nine national
sections, made up of experts and civil servants of the different countries, each
presided over by each nation's Minister of Finance. It was by these connections
that McGuire established the contacts through which he later exercised his
influence and made his living. Within a few years, in a manner which is unknown,
he established those contacts with the Vatican which he later transferred, to
some extent, to Father Walsh.
The High Commission worked to facilitate international economic relations
between states, seeking to stabilize monetary exchanges, remove conflicts of
laws, smooth all international transactions, and, if possible, unify or
coordinate regulations on business organizations, including corporation laws and
bankruptcy. In these efforts, McGuire worked closely with the State Department,
drafting international agreements, and became the chief figure in these
activities when Leo Rowe, the Secretary-General of the High Commission, became
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in 1917. It might be pointed out that Rowe
in 1919 became Chief of the Latin American Division of the State Department for
about a year and then, for twenty-six years, until his tragic death in an
automobile mishap in 1946, was both
Director-General of the Pan-American Union and, at McGuire's behest, Lecturer in
Latin American History at the Foreign Service School.
McGuire left the High
Commission in 1922 to join the staff of the Brookings Institution as an
economist. He stayed there seven years during which he wrote numerous economic
reports and collaborated with Harold G. Moulton on a large volume, Germany's
Capacity to Pay; A Study of the Reparations Problem(McGraw-Hill, 1923). In
1923 McGuire edited a study of American Catholicism entitled Catholic
Builders of the Nation (5 volumes, Continental Press, Boston, 1923). He made
numerous trips abroad and in 1928-29, lectured in Berlin and Milan.
In 1929 McGuire resigned from
Brookings and devoted full time to his activities as a private economic
consultant. He served for many years as economic adviser to Venezuela and
engaged in a similar role with Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Nicaragua, and
other countries, as well as for private concerns and individuals.
As we have mentioned, McGuire
was treasurer of the American Historical Association in 1930-36 and was
president of the American Catholic Historical Association in 1933. In World War
II he acted as civilian adviser to many high military and naval officers,
including Major-General George Strong, then head of U.S. Military Intelligence.
From his arrival in
Washington in 1915 to his death, McGuire avoided all publicity and covered his
activities with a cloak of secrecy which is almost impenetrable. He refused to
appear in Who's Who in America, in the American Catholic Who's Who,
rejected offers of honorary degrees and, it is believed, of foreign decorations.
He did, however, accept, in addition to his Papal title, the Venezuelan Order
of the Liberator, and a nomination as a trustee of Notre Dame University. In
1922, when Father Walsh published a volume called The History and Nature of
International Relations, which consisted of public lectures by ten
outstanding authorities given in the auditorium of the Smithsonian Institution
in 1922-1921 (a series instigated and arranged by McGuire), the book appeared
with a dedication to McGuire. The latter wrote at once to the University,
acknowledged the compliment, and expressed his regret that his name had appeared
in public. Two years before, he had written to Father Walsh to insist that his
name be removed from the School catalogue. At that time the catalogue also
listed the names of an "Advisory Committee"; McGuire wrote to Father Walsh in
the same letter, "I also recommend that the phantom 'committee' be notified of
its existence and then discharged."
To the Georgetown community,
McGuire's chief interest must rest in the very great role which he played in the
founding of the School of Foreign Service in 1919, the founding of the Institute
of World Polity in 1944, in Father Walsh's whole career, and, more remotely, in
the establishment of the Institute of Languages and Linguistics in 1949. Much of
this should be expressed in McGuire's own words.
In a letter dared 29 April
1953 to Father William F. Maloney, S J., then Provincial of the Maryland
Province, McGuire wrote, "The plan for the school was drawn up by me in
1916-1917 and discussed by me with Father Thomas I. Gasson, S.J. [then Dean of
the Georgetown University Graduate School] and Father John B. Creedon, SJ.,
[then President of Georgetown University]. Father Creedon could not see his way
clear to take it on. I then tried to interest Bishop Thomas J. Shahan, of the
Catholic University, who likewise felt it beyond his resources. At this stage,
one day in the summer of 1918, I recounted the story to Father Richard H.
Tierney, S.J., on one of his visits to Washington....He took the school plan
with him that afternoon to Georgetown. The next day he told me that Father
Creedon would receive me the following Sunday so as to discuss it once more. It
was then accepted in principle; and when the armistice came, the plan was given
effect. Father Walsh had reported back from the Student Army Training Corps work
and was assigned to take on this task....Very few persons have any knowledge
whatever that I had something to do with the origin of the school; in fact, few
persons, in or out of the Society, are now living who know that I had. Probably
Dr. J. de S. Coutinho is the only man at Georgetown University other than Father
Walsh, who knows it...."
For about three years,
1919-1922, McGuire acted unofficially as executive secretary of the school. He
assumed the task of finding and hiring the faculty, obtained the first
substantial financial contribution ($20,000 from James A. Farrell, President of
the U.S. Steel Corporation), and made constant suggestions, often about very
minor matters, regarding the operation of the School. For example, he sent
Father Walsh numerous "memoranda" in which he suggested, among other things,
that monitors be appointed in each class to take attendance and exclude
unauthorized persons, that the language classes were getting too large and
should be divided into sections of no more than thirty students, that specific
numbers of text books be ordered and that a designated number of these be placed
on reserve in the library, that some courses were larger than had been
anticipated and that, accordingly, assistants must be appointed to correct
papers and that the salaries of the teachers concerned should also be increased.
In addition, McGuire sent Father Walsh drafts of public speeches, including that
given by the Regent in the Smithsonian on 14 January as one of the first series
of public lectures mentioned above.
In finding a faculty, McGuire
showed an unusual talent for discovering men of ability and scholarship, who
were then almost unknown but subsequently became famous. At that time McGuire
was definitely "persona grata" with the Russian Ambassador. Through him
in 1919, he discovered three recently arrived refugees: Michael I. Rostovtseff,
Michael Karpovich, and Baron Korff. All three were unknown at the time in the
United States, yet Rostovtseff, who became a professor at Yale in 1925, was
regarded as the greatest scholar in ancient history working in the United
States; Karpovich, who taught Russian history at Harvard from 1927 to 1957 is
still remembered with affection and respect by all who knew him; Baron Korff
unlike the other two, accepted a teaching position at the Foreign Service School
and stayed there until his death. In a similar way, in 1919, McGuire sent
Sherwell from the High Commission to be Professor of Spanish. At the same time,
he hired a 26-year old State Department official, Dana Gardner Monroe, to teach
Latin American history. Monroe was with the State Department until 1932, when he
went to Princeton as a professor of history and became Director of Princeton's
Wilson School of Public and International Affairs until 1958. When he was
transferred to Chile in 1920, McGuire replaced him with his own former boss, Leo
S. Rowe, who taught at the School until his death twenty-four years later.
Others whom McGuire engaged in those early years were Ernest L. Bogart, W. F
Willoughby, James Brown Scott, John L. Latan�, and Stephen P. Duggan, all of
whom were outstanding authorities in their areas of competence.
Within two years (that is by
1921), McGuire was becoming disillusioned with the School, partly because he
hated all pretense or any facade of publicity, but chiefly because he had,
despite his expertise, little grasp of the financial needs of such a school.
Basically, he did not want any undergraduate study or any strictly vocational
training, but wanted a high-level research institute concerned with the broadest
principles and the fundamental realities of international affairs, to be used as
a foundation for policy decision-making. What he had in mind was much more like
Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs), or All Souls
College at Oxford, or the American copy of All Souls, the Institute For Advanced
Study in Princeton. The separation of McGuire from the School after 1923 rested
on a difference with Father Walsh on priorities: McGuire felt that expensive
projects could well begin before the necessary money was in hand (in the faith
that God, or perhaps McGuire himself, would provide); Father Walsh, on the other
hand, with a better grasp of household economia, if not of international
economics, could not commit the University to expenditures before the money was
available. Certainly he felt that no grandiose projects could be undertaken
without endowment, and that until such funds were provided, the School had to
have undergraduate students to provide the tuition needed for survival. On this
score the Regent's position seems to have been more realistic.
That McGuire's dreams were
grandiose is evident from his letter of 1953, already quoted; he said there:
"What I had had in mind was the intensive study of those factors which determine
the course of foreign policy, combined with special auxiliary training in
languages. I had myself attended the great �cole Des Langues Orientales Vivantes
of the French Government in Paris before the war of 1914 - 1918, and I knew that
nowhere in the United States better than in Washington could that admirable
establishment be used as a model.... The range of studies should be carefully
focused on the policy-making and long-ranged aspects of international
relations." Even in 1953 McGuire was still suggesting that the school be turned
in that direction. The elementary, undergraduate instruction should be left to
other institutions, especially to other Jesuit colleges, under Georgetown's
guidance, with the advanced work provided at the School of Foreign Service. He
wrote:"The coordination of training in the elementary courses might well have
local variations to meet specific situations, but it would mean the bringing
into line all the work throughout the country under authoritative and
experienced guidance, and it would furnish a substantial number of men suited
for foreign trade and related activities in their communities or elsewhere. The
'switch board' of all this would be in Washington at Georgetown ... In the field
of research itself, at Washington, seminars with but limited numbers of men
could turn out, in the course of a few years, an impressive volume of
performance of high average quality; and in less than one generation, the
Western Hemisphere's most authoritative center of the interpretation of the
economico-social, psychological, and other factors which affect the conduct of
international policy would be recognized as established at Georgetown."
As a result of McGuire's
disillusionment with the development of the School of Foreign Service as an
undergraduate institution, he became rather remote from it and from Father Walsh
for almost twenty years, 1923 - 1943. But the Second World War re-affirmed his
conviction of the need, in a Catholic context, of a research institute concerned
with policy making. Accordingly, he persuaded Father Walsh, for whom he always
had a deep personal respect, to establish, as an appendage of the School, an
Institute of World Polity to consist of fifty highly qualified experts in
various aspects of international affairs, with a small paid staff of research
workers. The latter were to carry on research and prepare reports on such
research (reports pointing toward policy decisions) under the guidance of the
fifty experts. Such guidance as to be exercised by individual suggestions, by
critiques for revision of the preliminary reports, and by joint dinner
discussions of the problems involved. This plan and technique was very similar
to that practiced by the English Round Table Group (which had been established
by Lord Milner in 1910, was financed by Rhodes Trust and other moneys, and had
founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919), which played a
very significant role in British foreign policy in 1910 - 1940.
The Institute of World Polity
as planned by McGuire was established in 1944, with a Research Director named by
him and a membership of fifty almost all chosen by him. The Director was Dr.
Ernst H. Feilchenfeld, a recognized expert in McGuire's own area of
international economic law and an extraordinary teacher. This Institute still
functions under the direction of Professor William V. O'Brien. Typically, having
set up the Institute, McGuire concerned himself very little with its functioning
and, in most cases. did not even attend its plenary conferences. Equally typical
was his remark in 1953: "I thought its name gratuitously pretentious."
To some extent McGuire's
neglect of the Institute of World Polity, when he finally got it, resulted from
his personal unhappiness at the condition of the world; he looked with growing
horror at the rise of the authority of the state and the decline of religion, a
combination which, he felt, could lead to nothing but disaster.
Despite his alienation from
the Foreign Service School after 1923, McGuire's influence still continued to be
exercised because of the extraordinary effect he had on Father Walsh's outlook
and associations. It seems likely that the links between Father Walsh and the
Vatican outside the regular channels both of the Society of Jesus and of the
ecclesiastical hierarchy resulted from McGuire's influence. It probably was
McGuire who suggested that Father Walsh lead the Papal Relief Mission to Russia
in 1922, an event which opened the door to the Regent's subsequent missions to
Mexico, the Near East, Germany and Japan. It is not, for example, generally
known that Father Walsh, when occasion arose, had direct access to the Pope,
and, by his private nocturnal conferences with Pius Xl, roused the ire of the
then Papal Secretary of State.
Moreover, it is quite certain
that it was McGuire who first directed the Regent's attention to the importance
of Russia. In 1920, fifteen months before the surprising appointment of Father
Walsh to the Russian mission, McGuire was urging on him the supreme importance
of establishing an integrated Institute or Department of Slavic studies at
Georgetown. On 5 November 1920, he wrote to Father Walsh about this: "Five or
ten years from now the demand for men who know Russian well will relatively far
exceed the demand for men who know other languages; and those who are acquainted
with Russian life and the conditions under which it is carried on, with Russian
literature and history, will find themselves in very great demand. I think the
time is ripe to organize a distinct Slavic movement under the aegis of the
Foreign Service School (incidentally promoting the best foreign policy of this
government, demonstrating the foresight of the school authorities, and taking
the wind out of the sails of any mere Pan-American Institution), which would aim
to teach comprehensively the language, ethnography, economics, social
conditions, history, and international position of Slavic peoples." He suggested
that the program begin with a speech by the Russian ambassador and consist at
the beginning of a course on the history of Russia given by Karpovich and a
course on the economic conditions given by Baron Korff. Once this is started it
should be followed by a course on Hungary and the Hungarian language given by
Dr. McEachern of the Catholic University. The passage ended with a rhetorical
questions as to where the money for such projects is to come from. To this
McGuire answered, "I will guarantee (as a sort of moral obligation, in the words
of President Wilson, rather than a legal obligation), that the money will be
found for this Slavic division and for as many other 'ethnic' undertakings as
you can set on foot."
It seems very likely that
these urgings and the call to Russia in 1922, had a good deal to do with the
direction of Father Walsh's interests for the next fifteen or more years, until
he became interested in geopolitics at the end of the 1930's. In this way, and
through his duties in managing the Foreign Service School, the Regent found his
life drastically modified by Constantine McGuire, even in the lengthy period in
which they met only infrequently.
Note: From McGuire's secrecy the task of compiling a biographical sketch such as
this is very difficult and could hardly be achieved without assistance from
other persons. For much of what appears above, I am indebted to the late Ernst
Feilchenfeld. Most of the documentary support for this came from the Georgetown
University archives, where I found Father Belwoar most helpful. Other
information was provided by the Papal Legation, by Dr. Neusse of The Catholic
Encyclopedia, by J. R. Trainor, former secretary of the School, by Professor
Sherbowitz-Wetzor, from the Cosmos Club, and from others. I wish to thank all of
these for their assistance.
Corrective Response by C.S. Tenley
Scan of original article from Courier 1965