1974 Interview with Rudy Maxa of the Washington
Interview Transcript Preceding Part 1
QUIGLEY: I am one of a
numerous group -- but nevertheless, in every field,
[constituting] a very small minority, whether it’s
psychiatry or sociology, history, economics or political
science -- who are in revolt against the 19th Century
way of dealing with human problems and the subjects of
human knowledge. Now here is a list of distinctions:
1880 was analytical, which means they takethings apart,
they isolate the problems. They are all specialists.
They try to quantify everything. The technical name for
this would be “reductionism”. Theyare technicians, you
see, not really scientists. They’re seeking knowledge,
notunderstanding. They believe they are finding laws
rather than constructing models.They believe in
“objectivity,” namely that what they think about, what
they’restudying, isn’t influencing what they’re seeing.
They use chain thinking, particularlyin regard to
causation. They say “the accident was caused by
such-andsuch,like driving too fast, and then go back in
a chain of causes.
On the other
hand, in opposition [to them] are holists. We use
network or matrix thinking. Reductionists, for example,
use absolute ethics -- things are right or wrong, where
holists use situational ethics. Reductionists use a
computerized approach. Few people realize the
computerized approach is very 19th Century. You divide
up the problem. You quantify the different factors.
Now the opposite of reductionism is an
ecological or contextual approach. Such holists are
generalists, not specialists; they qualify, not
quantify. They’re holists; they’re scientists. They are
seeking understanding. They construct models. They
believe the subjective elements to be as important as
the objective.
This is what I have
been practicing for years. It came from something I used
to teach in government. Now, let’s go back and link this
up to what it is that you are trying to do with your
One reason I am doing this interview is to show
that I grew up [as] “a marginal person.” I grew up on
the margin between a Jewish neighborhood and an Irish
neighborhood. I want to emphasize that all perception is
based on contrast. If everything is the same color, or
has the same amount of illumination, you cannot even see
it. The only reason you can see my face is because each
part of my face is reflecting less or more light than
nearby parts. Thus there’s contrast.
Accordingly, if you live in one kind of
community, but are forced to be exposed to a different
community, [one] with different customs, ideas and
values, only then is it possible for you to see what is
your own. This [factor] became something that helped to
“sophisticate” me, I think. And the second thing is that
I was the second of four boys, and there were just five
years between oldest and youngest. Of the four of us,
the oldest was born in 1909; the youngest in 1914.
My older brother was a tremendous guy. He’s now
Dr. John A. Quigley. An MD. And I had to compete with
him, yet couldn’t compete with him physically. I can
remember when he could reach the faucet to turn the
water on, and I couldn’t. I can remember even this: when
they set the table for dinner, and I couldn’t see what
was on it, he could -- by tip-toeing. I’d say “Jack,
what have they got there?” And he would say “Bread and
butter, that’s all.” You see.
And we were very active outside. I wasn’t just a
bookworm, you see. We did a lot of running and I could
never catch him. He would poke me and then be off, and I
would chase him for miles, and he’d keep getting further
and further away, you see?
So I would think that I tried to compensate for
this physical inability to compete. Now the trouble is,
he was [also] really a tremendous student. He went to a
private high school, Boston College High School, and he
got gold medals in just about everything. So even there
it was difficult. So, I think the true solution is not
that I was competing with him intellectually, but that I
was retiring into intellectual activities [in which] we
weren’t really competing. Because I was interested in
different things: he went into medicine and I went into
By “marginal” I mean I was on the edge of the
Irish community with the Yankee community intellectually
and then with the Jewish community socially. Do you see?
My mother admired the Yankees, you see, and this would
have us say, well, “What is it we don’t like about the
Irish?” They’re noisy, bigoted, and they drink a lot.
We used to say of the Irish: 90% drink too much,
while 10% are teetotalers. And the only way any Irish
would get ahead is by those 10% teetotalers selling
liquor to the other 90%, which is true.
For example, my grandfather got much of his money
from being in the liquor business. There’s even a
marriage between us and the Kennedy’s, because they both
got into the liquor business, don’t you see? Now, it is
way back. For Jack Kennedy three generations back. No,
four, where there was a marriage between a Kennedy and a
Quigley, based -- I believe -- on the fact both families
were in the liquor business.
Bishop John Carroll [the founder of Georgetown
University] was a remote cousin. And also Charles
Carroll, who was a cousin of John Carroll’s. And then
too, Daniel Carroll, who signed the Constitution, who
was closer [to John] than Charles.
We are all the Carrolls who were submerged after
the Cromwellian crushing. The ones who came to this
country were the ones who were given lands in
compensation for the ones taken away from them by
Cromwell. That was in 1650. We were crushed, until 1850,
two hundred years later, when our particular branch came
to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Now, let’s get up to this book [Tragedy and
Hope]. I was at Harvard, teaching, and I got an offer to
come down here, because a Jesuit here went to some
athletic club here in town and met an old, retired
colonel named George Catlin, from an old, aristocratic
New York family. He had graduated from Columbia
University in 1898 and gone right into the
Spanish-American War. He spoke fluent French. Very
cultured. I had met him while he was a student in the
Graduate School at Harvard and when he was already about
He said to the Jesuit, well, the Jesuit said to
him: “We’re trying so hard to find a history teacher.”
And he said “Did you ever hear of Carroll Quigley? And
the Jesuit said “No.” He said “That’s the man, get
him.”! He told him I was at Harvard.
Now it happened that one of my teachers at
Harvard -- in fact, someone who was on my doctoral board
-- had come down here [to Georgetown University] because
he was a heavy drinker at Harvard (but you’d better not
put that in). He came down here and he was an excellent
graduate teacher, but a poor undergraduate teacher,
because he talked too remotely and abstractly, do you
see? So they wanted to replace him with me and put him
in the graduate school.
So this Jesuit says to Fr. Walsh: “I hear there’s
somebody good at Harvard and I think Paul Doolin knows
him.” So they asked Paul Doolin, and he said “If you can
get Quigley, you’re lucky.” That’s how I came down here.
Everybody’s thought since Fr. Walsh was an Irishman from
Boston, that’s how I came down here. But it was the
Harvard connection.
I [came] on the the fall of ’41. I thought I’d
stay five years and write a book, or two books, but the
War came and caught me. [That was] in December ’41,
after I was here but a couple of months.
The War revolutionized all universities, and
definitely this one. The reason is this: our civilian
teachers group fell off, as -- one by one -- they were
drafted. So I began taking on other people’s courses as
they were called up. I had been teaching European
history, but then Samuel Adams Dulany Hunter, who was a
great teacher of U.S. history, went off to the war, and
I took over his U.S. history course. And this way I took
over one course after another, because [it was] I each
time left here. And, as I said, I don’t know why I was
left. Except that Fr. Walsh one time told me “You were
left here because I insisted on it.”
Anyway, they decided to set up ASTP -- the Army
Specialized Training Program. Essentially it was to
train American soldiers for military occupation of
overseas countries once they were defeated. They gave us
ten days notice that, on the 1st of June 1943, they were
going to send to us 500 people and that they wanted them
trained for the Far East and Central Europe.
Fr. Walsh called all of his faculty together. We were to
teach the Chinese and Japanese languages, and [also] Far
Eastern history and geography, and economics.
I was in charge of the Central European
instruction. We were doing the Germans and Italians --
their languages, geography. I taught the Italian stuff
because I had lived in Italy. I read Italian and wrote
my dissertation, really, in Italian history. But I was
also charged with the whole thing. Furthermore, I gave a
20th Century world history course -- it was really 20th
Century European history -- for all those 500. At the
end of 90 days they gave us another 250. I took those
250 and lectured to them for 29 hours in one week, and
brought them up to where I could put them in with the
previous 500.
So I had 750 men in uniform at 1 p.m., five days
a week, for a year, in Gaston Hall, on 20th Century
history. That is what this book came out of.
I was working like a madman, because -- while I
knew an awful lot, and had already taught on many
subjects, ancient, medieval and modern -- I nevertheless
didn’t have everything I needed for this. I went into
all kinds of stuff. I slept, I suppose, not over 30 to
35 hours a week. No more than 5 hours a night. Going
great guns working and organizing this up there [points
to his forehead]. And let me tell you, I didn’t get a
purple heart, and I don’t think I did anything heroic,
but it was not easy.
That summer was the hottest we ever had in
Washington: 55 days that year (1943) in which the
temperature went over 90o. There were 17 days,
consecutive days, in which it went over 90 degrees. I
was in Gaston Hall, which had no air conditioning,
lecturing at 1 p.m. to 750 men who had just had their
heavy mid-day meal.
And I had to keep them alert, and alive, and
excited. And on my platform I had a thermometer up
against the back of the platform; it was over 100
degrees all the time. And humid as hell. I was so stuffy
in those days, it was difficult for me to [allow myself
to] take off my jacket. That summer helped [me] to break
They were a tremendous group. They were selected
as the kind who could study these things. Now, I did the
geography of Italy, the climate, the resources, economy,
industrialization, family life, culture and so forth.
Kept it up for more than a year, which would be to the
end of '44, and by that time we were ready to take over
[some conquered countries] and move them in. and so
Now, in that group there were fifty- five who
already had Ph.D.s. You see. [the audio-tape recording
now picks up]
End of Preceding Transcript
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Interview Transcript - Part