THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington DC, October 15, 1967
BOOKS: Final Volumes in Two History Series
THE STORY, OF CIVILIZATION. Part X: Rousseau and Revolution.
By Will and Ariel Durant.. Simon & Schuster. 1,091 pages. $15.
HISTORY OF MANKIND: Culture and Scientific Development, Volume VI: The Twentieth
Century. By Caroline F. Ware, K. M. Panikkar, and J. M. Romein. Harper & Row,
1,387 pages. $18.50.
The varied nature of historical writing is evident in the contrast between these
two huge volumes. The Durant book could be read as a novel and is indeed,
closer to the techniques of the novelist than it is to those of the professional
The second volume, on the other hand, is sponsored by UNESCO and written by
three well-known academic figures (of which the first only is yet alive); it
would never be read for pleasure and largely lacks the qualities of "unity,
coherence and emphasis" which my teacher told me were the basic essentials of
good writing. Especially it lacks emphasis, since it largely consists of a
series of well-informed essays on a variety of aspects of life in the 20th
century, including some which might not be expected in a history book, such as
recent advances in our knowledge of cell biology, or changes in domestic life,
child-rearing, educational administration, and medical care. Many of these
sections are so brief as to be little more than names with identifying phrases.
All of them have undergone the criticism of "experts" from dozens of nations
contributing to UNESCO, and the text was modified, to some extent, in answer to
these criticisms, until the deaths of Romein and Panikkar in 1962-63 closed the
door to textual changes, and reduced the "experts'" objections to lengthy notes,
with explanations from the surviving author, at the end of each chapter. The majority of these objections are from countries of the Communist bloc and
are generally of such a doctrinaire tone as to raise questions about the quality
of social studies in their respective countries. As a consequence of this
lengthy process, the text, which was finished by April 1960, is now published
more than seven years later and does not take account of these last significant
years. On the whole, the volume does not suffer unduly from this long
Each of these books forms the final volume of a series, and each
marks a distinct improvement over the early volumes of its series. "Rousseau and Revolution," covering the years 1756-1789, is the tenth and
last volume in the Durant series, because Will Durant, at the age of 82,
does not want to tackle the complex problems of the next historic period
concerned with the French Revolution and Napoleon. The series began 32
years ago and has improved steadily as it moved along. The basic Durant
point of view that history is largely biography is a 19th century attitude
which does not provide very sophisticated history, but in the hands of a man
like Durant, who is a diligent student, an avid gossip, and a facile writer,
it produces an interesting and readable book.
However unsatisfactory "Rousseau and Revolution" may be as
history, in the sense that institutional arrangements are largely ignored,
it will provide any non-historian with an entertaining and instructive
account of a crucial period in Europe's past and will leave him, on the
whole, with a vivid and sufficiently accurate impression of what it was like
to live in that period just before and after our own American Revolution. The Durants have read widely, mostly in old books and especially memoirs, in
the period. They provide a 15-page bibliography of these books and 38 pages
of notes as references to specific points. Their judgments are balanced on
the men and issues of the day and are probably as valid as those of most
experts on the period. For the Durants know human nature, are interested in
it, have examined much of the evidence, and are fully capable of making the
subject interesting to others.

Rousseau's life forms the central framework of this volume, there are good
chapters on other figures of the period: Voltaire in his old age, Mozart,
Catherine the Great, Kant, Goethe, and Samuel Johnson. A major portion of
the volume is concerned with culture (in the narrow sense): music, painting,
literature, social life, philosophy, and the tastes of the day, almost all
of it presented in biographical terms
as the aspirations
and efforts of particular persons in a particular historical context. Most
of this strikes me as knowledgeable, fairly appraised and well-presented. To
be sure, much of what I would regard as history is lacking — that is, the
organizational and institutional patterns within which these people led
their lives, including the economic system, the legal and constitutional
systems, and the basic assumptions of the period which make its outlook
distinctive, but just as a European of 1760 would live his life without
being aware of these patterns in any explicit way so a reader of this volume
can read it and live vicariously in the period without being aware of these
institutional frameworks.
This is a book to be read by non-historians, for its vicarious
experience, just as such persons have been reading long modern novels like
Uris' "Exodus" or Michener's "Hawaii."
From the vivid and biographical approach of the Durants, we turn to
the impersonal, institutional, and statistical approach of the UNESCO
volume. This is also the final volume of a series, in which the middle
three volumes are still unpublished. It is far better than the first two
volumes, especially volume II, which may well have been the worst history
book to appear in a decade, a mélange of gross factual errors, omissions,
and misinterpretations. But this volume, after a weak start, does a fairly
good job on a very difficult task and under very adverse conditions.
Although the contributions of the three authors are not
distinguished, I can see the influence of Caroline Ware (and of her husband,
the well-known economist, Gardner Meer of Vienna, Va., in the second, and
best, of the book's four parts.
Unfortunately, the Introduction and Part 1, which cover 19 chapters
and 646 pages, start on a low level of quality and do not reach an
acceptable level for three-quarters of their length. Much of this early
portion is a World Almanac of facts rather than a history, since it merely
enumerates events of the 20th century without making any effort to go into
their relationships, causes, and significance.
Chapter I, as a historical introduction, tells us that there were
two World Wars, with an economic depression between them, followed by a Cold
War between the United States and the Soviet Union after the second war. To
this is added a mention of the decline of European hegemony and the rising
tide of nationalism and anti-colonialism in this century. Few readers will
obtain any increase of either knowledge or understanding from that chapter.
Part I concerned with "The Development and Application of
Scientific Knowledge" is only slightly better. For example, Chapter X,
"Transport," has eight sections on motor transport, air transport,
pipelines, railways, the bicycle, etc. It adds to our knowledge a few lines
on traffic congestion and pollution from exhaust fumes, tells us such things
as that the London Underground opened in 1863 and the Budapest subway in
1896, but it has almost nothing to say on the social consequences of
increased mobility. Such mobility, along with the influence of war, has had
profound influence on the relations of the sexes, but all that we find here
(p. 296) is the statement, "The automobile could affect patterns of
The final section of Part I, concerned with advances in the social
sciences (Pages 527- 646) shows a marked improvement. Its four chapters
provide a good sketch of the growth of social theories, changes in the home,
an excellent section on the changing environment of the city, and an
interesting description of the growth of the social services and social
Part II, “The Transformation of Society," covers 330 pages and,
except for one section, is excellent. It covers changes in ideas,
economics, social institutions, political institutions, military, religion,
education and leisure. Of these the section on economic changes is
outstanding, although it does not go quite far enough in its analyses to
explain why the money flows of our society today can provide so many
billions for equipment and capital construction but cannot find anything
substantial for men or for amenities.
The section on military changes, here and elsewhere in this volume
is poor, which is doubly unfortunate in view of the increasing importance of
the topic. It sees the subject only in terms of weapons and technology,
increased speed and fire-power, when the most significant changes of the
century have been in ideas and in the ways in which weapons are used. The
most important change in ground warfare in the century, the German shift
from attack in lines with reserves thrown against the enemy strong points to
attack in columns with reserves thrown against enemy weak points and
ignoring the old bogey of avoidance of the dangers of crossfire (1917) is
not mentioned. Similarly, the most significant event in the utilization of
air power, that is the obsession of airmen with strategic bombing, in spite
of its failure to produce results, and their constant reluctance to get
involved in the much more productive activity of tactical bombing (at least
in English-speaking countries) also goes unmentioned.
Parts III (on "The Self-Image and Aspirations of the Peoples of the
World") and IV (on literature and the arts) are adequate but episodic, and
fall again below the high level of Part II. As a result, it can hardly be
said that the volume as a whole stands as a satisfactory fulfillment of "the
pioneer effort of UNESCO to bring an international view to the writing of
world history."
Perhaps, in the absence of any such as international point of view,
the effort was doomed to failure. The preface admits that the "general
approach" was criticized from three groups and three points of view: From
traditional western liberalism; from the Marxist Communist camp, and from
the Roman Catholic unchanging spiritual values.
I might add that many historians who owe allegiance to none of
these three might also criticize the work as a whole on the grounds that its
whole point of view is too strongly under the influence of 19th century
positivism, materialism, and objectivism. But Part II, the core of the
book, offers a brief and outstanding exposition of a very complex subject,
the transformation of human institutions in the 20th century, and as such
is worth the attention of any historian interested in the period.
Scans of original review
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