13 November 1957
Member of the Faculty, ICAF
School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University.
Publication No. L58-54
Washington, D. C.
Part 1
Today I'm going to speak about the cultural development
of two great areas. I don't expect to give you much new
information. What, rather, I'd like to do is to define
rather sharply some of the information you may have and
above all to show the relationship between things that
you already know.
I want to begin by pointing out that we have a world
today consisting of three great parts. At the center is
the Soviet bloc. Around that is the fringe of shattered
cultures which I call the buffer fringe, running from
the Islamic countries in the west through Afghanistan,
India, Burma, and the rest of them to eastern Asia. I
call that the buffer fringe. Outside of that we have our
own Western bloc. Today I'm going to say nothing at all
about the Soviet bloc except that I will say something
about China, dealing with it as if it were a part of the
buffer fringe, because as a historian I am always a
decade or even centuries behind the times, and I'll be
talking about China as it was a generation or more than
a generation ago.
I'll speak, then, only of the buffer fringe and of our
own Western civilization. What I'm going to do, very
simply, is go through a series of developments in the
order in which they appeared in our own Western
civilization. Then I will examine the order in which
these developments occurred in the buffer fringe and
show you how the difference in order of occurrence is of
major significance in creating the problems of the
buffer fringe area.

On the left of Table 1 is shown the order in which they
occurred in our civilization. When I speak of "our
Western civilization" I am talking about that area of
the globe which runs from Poland westward to New
Zealand. The civilization that I have reference to, our
own Western civilization, began about 550 A. D.; and
thus it has existed for almost a thousand years and a
Now, the first occurrence in Western civilization, the
first great development, is our ideology. It's something
I could speak about endlessly, as you know. But I want
simply to refer to certain basic things in the outlook
of Western ideology, particularly in the first 1,000
years of its existence, because that 1,000 years of
Western ideology became the foundation for many of these
later developments.
When I speak of Western ideology I refer specifically to
religion - - Christianity - - to such things as the
scientific outlook; and to a third thing, which I will
call the liberal outlook. It may not be clear to you as
I speak, because in all of this I am oversimplifying
most drastically; I hope you will understand that. But
it would seem to me that there is a common element to
all three of these--the Christian outlook, the
scientific outlook, and the liberal outlook--and to sum
it up, rather briefly the outlook is this:
All three believe that there is a truth somewhere. They
all believe that it is worthwhile seeking that truth.
They all believe that the process by which we seek that
truth is a process in which we approach it in time; that
is, truth is something which unfolds in time. Therefore
we must constantly work and strive and discuss in order
to get closer and closer and closer to the truth, which
we perhaps never reach. This is why scientists don't
stop work today in the smug idea that they have the
truth; but they have to go on struggling, because what
they have today is simply an approximation of the truth.
Another characteristic of all three of these is that the
unfolding of truth in time results from a cooperative
effort. That is, it's a social effort. It arises from
discussion, criticism, and so forth; and from that
emerges a kind of consensus, which is closer to the
truth than would be the point of view of any single
individual. So thus we have that there is a truth. This
is not a skeptical outlook. It is not a dogmatic outlook
because nobody now has the truth. It puts great emphasis
on chronological development. It puts great emphasis
upon social cooperation. Some of this may not seem
convincing to you, and I imagine that the field in which
it will not seem convincing is perhaps the field of
religion. But the Christian religion basically does have
this outlook.
It believes that religious truth has been unfolded in
time. That is, we had a whole series of revelations and
prophets. We have the Old Testament, that was not
replaced but supplemented by the New Testament, and the
New Testament has been interpreted and unfolded in the
course of time to reveal additional truth. And the
process of religious appreciation still goes on. Am I
Now, one other thing that I should emphasize about the
Western ideology and particularly the Christian ideology
is this: It is not a dualistic ideology. This is a point
which many people, I think, misunderstand, because there
has been a tendency, at least in the last 500 years, for
the Christian or religious outlook to be dualistic. By
that I mean that they oppose the material world to the
spiritual world. But this was not fundamentally the
point of view of the religious outlook of Western
civilization for at least the first 1,000 years, During
the first 1,000 years, they recognized the basic
necessity of the material world. I could point this out
in a number of ways. They made a distinction between
what was necessary and what was important. Material
things were necessary; spiritual things were important.
But you could not achieve spiritual things except by
working through the material world.
The Christians felt, for example, that we could not be
saved except for the fact that God became man in a real
body living in this world. We cannot be saved unless we
supplement God's grace with good works in this world. So
that the religious outlook is social. It is also
materialistic. And in the first church council in 325,
the Council of Nicaea, where the creed was first stated,
they said most explicitly that they believed in the
resurrection of the body, indicating their point of
view, which is the really basic Christian point of view,
that the body is not an evil or bad thing, but is indeed
a good thing, made in the image and likeness of God, and
a thing which is necessary to our salvation, because
only with a body can we do good things to our neighbors
in this world.
I have perhaps said too much about that, but the reason
I'm emphasizing it is this: I feel very strongly that
this point of view, which I am trying to describe here,
which I will call the Western outlook, and which, as I
showed you, appeared in religion, in the scientific
outlook, and, I am sure you understand, in liberalism
believes there is a truth, which can be reached by
discussion, as a social achievement. Therefore there
must be freedom of speech, freedom of discussion, and
these other things, no one has the truth. Therefore no
one has the right to impose his "truth" upon others.
Rather, as we talk around the truth, each of us gets a
fragment of it; and by contributing our fragment to a
common discussion, we will get a truth which is closer
to the ultimate truth than would be the point of view of
any one of us. Now, this, it seems to me, this outlook,
is the real explanation of why Western civilization has
been so prosperous, so wealthy, and so powerful--because
it has been the most wealthy and most powerful
civilization that ever existed.
Now, I wish to go on to the next thing. But I must,
before I speak of the commercial revolution, indicate
the basic structure upon which the commercial revolution
was imposed. That basic structure you must be familiar
with, I am sure. In the Middle Ages, about the year
1000, Western Europe was organized in a series of
self-contained, self-sufficient economic units. We call
them manors. Each manor tried to produce everything it
needed, and over it was a fighting man, a knight.
The serfs on the manor did no fighting, and were not
really expected to be fighters; but they produced goods
from the soil. The feudal lords, on the other hand, were
fighting specialists and were never expected to till the
soil. Thus you got a rigid class structure of an upper
class, 2 percent of the population, the feudal knights;
and a lower class, the serfs, perhaps 97 percent of the
population. The other odd percent is going to the
clergy, who were really to a certain extent part of the
upper class or part of the lower class depending upon
whether they were upper clergy or lower clergy. This
system was a system of a rigid class structure and above
all with economic self-sufficiency of the unit. A manor
was a self - sufficient agrarian unit supporting a
fighting knight. There was almost no commerce.
Beginning about the year 1440, although it had begun
hundreds of years earlier in a small way, we got this
tremendous development that we call the commercial
revolution. That is, there was an influx of money. We
got a substitution of money arrangements for personal
arrangements, and the whole development which we call
the commercial revolution.
Now, this commercial revolution--the growth of commerce,
the growth of a money economy--led ultimately to
specialization, economic division of labor, increasing
exchange, and a higher level of economic efficiency.
Manors could now specialize on those things that they
could produce best and could exchange them for money,
which could be used to command the products of other
manors, other areas, or other social groups which were
specializing on those things that they could best do. We
call this the commercial revolution.
All right. That's obvious enough.
The next development is the revolution in weapons,
particularly firearms. This is something with which you
are certainly familiar--the arrival of gunpowder and the
rest of it, the increasing efficiency of missile
But I wish to emphasize here one thing which some of you
may never have thought of, and it is this: It seems to
me, looking over the whole course of history, that the
kinds of weapon a society possesses are a major factor
in determining the structure of that society. To
oversimplify once again a very complicated subject, I
would like to divide weapons into two kinds--what I call
amateur weapons on one side and what I call professional
weapons or specialist weapons on the other hand. The
distinction between these two is approximately this:
Amateur weapons are cheap to obtain and easy to use.
Specialist weapons are expensive to obtain and difficult
to use.
To define those terms a little bit, when I say "cheap"
and "easy" in reference to amateur weapons, I mean that
an amateur weapon which can be obtained as a result of a
few weeks or a few months of work I would call cheap. A
weapon which could be used as the result of a few weeks
or a few months of practice I would call easy to use. On
the other hand, professional weapons can be so expensive
that only a very small minority of the society can
possess them. And now, as you well know, they can be so
tremendously expensive that only very wealthy
governments can possess them. So specialist weapons thus
can be expensive, but they generally also are difficult
to use, in the sense that they can be used only by
trained personnel who have practiced at it not for weeks
or months, but for years.
Now, this distinction between amateur weapons and
professional weapons is of tremendous significance in
forming the structure of a society, in this sense: When
you have amateur weapons as the best weapons available
in a society, you have as the best weapon something
which can be obtained by almost everyone and can be used
by almost everyone. In such a society, where the amateur
form of a weapon is the best obtainable weapon, you
would have a situation where people would be relatively
equal in power, because each can have the best available
weapon. In a society where people are in fact relatively
equal in power, in a showdown the majority can compel
the minority to yield.
In such a situation you ultimately will get some kind of
a legal expression of the fact that people are equal in
power and that a majority can compel a minority to
consent. This leads us to democracy, it seems to me that
if you look at the history of any civilization or even
the whole history of mankind, you will see that if we
were to graph a cycle between amateur weapons and
professional weapons, we would see that the periods in
which professional weapons become supreme, going upward,
let us say, are generally followed by periods in which
authoritarian governments are established. On the other
hand, periods in which amateur weapons are supreme are
generally followed by periods, and very closely
followed, within a mere couple of generations, by
periods in which more democratic regimes are
Now, to look at this in the whole of human history would
take us much too much time. I do it sometimes in my
courses at the university, but here I simply wish to
look at Western civilization .
In Western civilization at the beginning, let us say
back in the year 1000, you had, as I pointed out a
moment ago, a very rigid class structure, in which the
minority had the best weapons. In the year 1000 there
were two outstanding weapons available--the mounted
knight on horseback and the stone castle. The stone
castle was a defensive weapon. Here is a strange
situation - - a society with two supreme weapons which
cannot defeat each other--because a mounted knight on
horseback could not capture a stone castle and a stone
castle could not destroy a mounted knight on horseback.
But in any case this was definitely a period of
specialist weapons.
A castle was obviously expensive, but a mounted knight
was also a very expensive thing. The horse of a knight
was, back in the year 1000, worth 60 oxen, and an ox was
too expensive for the ordinary peasant to afford. Thus a
horse was more expensive, 60 times more expensive, than
what an ordinary peasant could afford. And a knight of
this kind had to have two horses. He had to have armor
and weapons, all of them very expensive. He had to have
a long period of training. He started to train at least
by the age of 10, and he was regarded as a trained
knight not much before the age of 20. Thus it would take
10 years of training . So you had thus a specialist
weapon. The peasants couldn't possibly cope with it.
They had no weapons which could possibly deal with it.
Furthermore, if that knight had a castle, he had a
supreme defensive weapon. If anyone gave him orders: "Do
this“ or "Do that” he could get in his castle and say,
"Nuts" and no one could make him obey, because they
could not capture the castle. Now, I won't give you any
reason for this except to say that a feudal knight such
as I have described was expected to serve each year only
40 days or approximately that; and you could not capture
a castle with feudal knights, even if you had a large
number of them, because you couldn't starve a castle out
in 40 days. Well, now changes occurred. But here you had
a political and military system where the defense was
supreme. The defense was extremely decentralized--with
each castle becoming a nucleus of resistance to
authority, and where the weapons were expensive,
specialized weapons. Thus you had an authoritarian ,
decentralized political system.
Now, as you know, that was replaced later by an
authoritarian, centralized system. And it was replaced
because of the appearance of gunpowder and cannon,
because fewer people could have gunpowder and cannon
than could have castles and thus the nuclei of political
organization became larger, organizing in each case
around the center of whoever could afford cannon.
Now, those people who could afford cannon ultimately
became kings. They took royal titles. They could knock
down the castle of the knight. They could also raise
more money with their weapons. They thus worked out a
system whereby they hired knights. Hired knights could
capture castles, because they could besiege them and
starve them out, staying there as long as their pay
continued to be paid. It's a very complicated process,
but what I am trying to show you here is that you
shifted from a defensive weapon which was supreme and
decentralized but specialist, the medieval knight with a
castle, 300 or 400 years later to a system where you had
a still very expensive specialized weapon, much more
centralized because fewer people could afford it and
have it, but which was not defensive. It was much more
offensive. And as a result, political units which
previously had been organized around castles now began
to organize in much larger areas. Ultimately those large
areas became great duchies, principalities , and
Now, as this process continued, weapons became cheaper
and cheaper. By the year 1800 approximately the best
available weapon, or perhaps I should make it later,
1870, the best weapon available was cheap enough to be
obtained by almost anyone. A rifle in 1860 or 1870 or a
Colt revolver could be obtained from the work of a man
over a period of a few weeks at most, and that was as
good a weapon as employees of the government had. Thus
you had a democratic amateur weapon. It could be widely
dispersed, and in the political reflection of this
military fact you got democratic regimes.
The last democratic uprising in this country, Dorr's
Rebellion, in 1842, showed clearly, as earlier in Europe
the French Revolution and other events had shown, that
if the mass of the people have these weapons, they could
not be compelled to obey by government troops who had
the same weapons. Thus you got democracy.
Since then the trend in weapons has been definitely away
from amateur weapons and toward specialist weapons, as
you know. Today, a government certainly can have those
weapons which are too expensive for people to have.
Therefore governments today certainly can compel the
people to obey. And unless in the future, as I hope but
I am not certain--perhaps I hope in vain--there is some
development in the effectiveness of guerrilla warfare,
so that it becomes once again difficult for a government
to compel obedience of groups which wish to refuse
obedience, unless that occurs, it would seem to me
almost inevitable that political development would
follow along behind the military development;
specifically that authoritarian governments must replace
democratic governments in most places, just as
specialist weapons have replaced or are replacing
amateur weapons.
I would hope that perhaps sometime, as I say, guerrilla
weapons and guerrilla methods of warfare will make it
impossible to compel obedience with the very expensive
weapons which governments will possess. I do see some
vague indications in that direction; but, being a
historian rather than a fortune teller, I will say no
more about it.
Well, now, that will give us the revolution in weapons.
The next thing is the agricultural revolution. Here
again is a very complicated subject, which I must go
through quite rapidly. I spoke about the medieval manor.
In the year 1000 the medieval manor had a three - field
rotation system, a fallow-rotation system. They planted
each field 2 years. The third year it was left fallow,
unplanted; and this would recoup, presumably, some of
the nutrient elements in the soil, particularly nitrogen
from the nitrogen in the air.
Now, this system was a wonderful system back in the year
600. But by the year 1600 a better system was beginning
to appear. And that second stage in the development of
agriculture, the first stage being the self - sufficient
manor on a fallow-rotation system, began to appear as
early as 1600. The date I have given you here is 1720,
when it really systematically began to be applied in
eastern England, particularly Norfolk. This second stage
is the leguminous-rotation system, in which a leguminous
crop, whose roots trap the nitrates from the air, was
put in the fallow part of the cycle. So thus you could
plant your crops every year and not have to leave fields
fallow. Instead of leaving them fallow, you put in some
such leguminous crop as clover or alfalfa or something
of that kind. This immensely increased the nitrogen
content of the soil for the subsequent year, in which
you planted grain or some other food crop.
Notice that when you put a leguminous crop into this
fallow part of the old three - field cycle, you are
planting a crop which is not consumable by men. Clover
and alfalfa are not foods, but they can be feeds. And
thus the agricultural revolution, by putting a
leguminous crop into the old cycle, was providing great
stores of fodder for farm animals. The results of this
were revolutionary. In the Middle Ages farm animals had
to go out and forage for themselves, looking for
whatever hadn't been picked. Thus animals in the Middle
Ages were excluded out from the arable field and had to
shift for themselves outside. As a result of the
agricultural revolution you now had lots of fodder, you
had the fields all the time under crops each year, you
could not permit the animals to range freely, so you
included them in. You put fences around them; instead
of, as in the Middle Ages, around the arable field, you
now put the fence around the animal. And you could now
feed him in a contained area with the leguminous crop to
provide his fodder.
As a result of this, the slaughter weight of farm
animals in Smithfield, England, approximately tripled in
the space of 85 years. That is, from 1710-95 the
slaughter weight of lambs, for example, went up from 18
pounds to more than 50 pounds. The sizes of all farm
animals drastically increased. This is something that we
don't generally think of, but in the Middle Ages animals
were very small, and men were also quite small, which
explains why modern man has such difficulty getting into
medieval armor. If you had the armor of medieval horses,
you would also discover that a modern horse couldn't get
into it, because cattle and horses have all increased in
Now, that is the second stage in the agricultural
revolution--the leguminous rotation.
About 1840 we got into a third stage. That was the
chemical fertilizer stage. This chemical fertilizer had
combined with it farm machinery. In Germany about 1840 a
German chemist discovered or at least propagated the
idea of putting a chemical fertilizer into the ground.
And about the same time, as you know, in America and
other places, McCormick and other people began to invent
farm machinery, such as the famous invention of the
reaper. This is the third stage--the chemical-machinery
stage. The fourth stage in the development of this
agricultural revolution has occurred in the present
century--the use of hybrid crops which give immensely
greater output, plus the use of all kinds of sprays and
Thus we have four stages, successively, in the
agricultural revolution. But the importance of the whole
thing is that one man can produce today immensely more
food than one man could 800 or 900 years ago. I don't
know exactly how true these figures are, but I have read
somewhere that if you were to go back 500 years, it took
approximately 17 men to produce enough food for 21. That
would mean that if you had 17 people tilling the soil as
a full-time job, you could allow only four people to go
off and do something else--governing the country,
fighting in armies, or making handicrafts or whatever it
might be.
Those figures have been more than reversed. Today four
men, I would believe, under the best modern conditions
could produce enough food approximately for close to a
hundred people. What this means is that we have released
by this tremendous agricultural revolution over the
centuries enormous amounts of manpower for
nonfood-producing activities.
All right. Now we go on to the next big development
here, the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial
Revolution is also something which goes through
successive stages. I won't really annoy you with the
stages, because you certainly must be familiar with
them. I generally divide them at least into two--the
external combustion engine--that's the steam
engine--about the year 1780 or so; and then the internal
combustion engine, about 120 or 125 years later. Then
after that the revolution has continued, as you know.
Now, the Industrial Revolution allowed men to produce
more and more and more nonfood products, industrial
products, the craft products, with an hour of work. As
you know, products per man-hour as a result of the
Industrial Revolution greatly increased, because the
essential feature of the Industrial Revolution is not
the factory or the growth of cities or the use of
capital or any of these other things which are so
frequently mentioned, and should be mentioned; but the
essential feature of the Industrial Revolution is the
use of nonliving power for production--the power from
nonliving sources, such as coal and ultimately oil,
waterpower, and other sources, And we hope, I suppose,
that ultimately we will have atomic sources.
Now, let me stop at this point very briefly to point out
to you the wonderful sequence of events here. If we were
to study the history of Europe, we would find in it, I
am sure, much poverty, much hardship and misery--that is
true--but the hardship and misery and poverty were more
or less incidental in this process. They weren't
intrinsic to the process. In order to demonstrate that I
will simply ask: What is necessary for industrialism?
Well, for industrialism you need labor and food, which
are approximately the same thing. You need capital. You
need invention. These things are provided by the earlier
stages here. Invention came out of this Western ideology
and the whole urge to innovate and provide better ways
of doing things. The capital which was necessary to
finance the Industrial Revolution came out of the
profits of earlier developments, out of the commercial
revolution, where people made great fortunes, for
example, in India and other places. The capital to a
certain extent also came out of the agricultural
revolution, where those people who first adopted the
agricultural revolution were able to make extraordinary
profits out of it, particularly in Norfolk, England, and
other places. In spite of the fact that the soil of
Norfolk is poor soil, the agricultural revolution gave a
tremendous increase in output there, which gave large
profits to the Coke family and other great families of
that area.
The Industrial Revolution required food. The
agricultural revolution provided the food. The
agricultural revolution also provided the labor which
was necessary, because if fewer people can produce more
food, then you can release manpower to go into industry.
Thus we see that each stage here to a very considerable
extent is built upon the preceding stages. And it
happens in an order which is not the result of any
cleverness on our part. It ' s very much, it seems to
me, the result of happy accident or the favor of God or
something of that kind. It certainly wasn't, I think,
any planning which gave us this.
Now, we turn to the next development--the revolution in
sanitation. This development also I would like to divide
into successive stages, going over them very rapidly.
The sanitation revolution began about the end of the
18th century. The first steps in it were such things as
vaccination, which came in in the 1770's, and isolation
- - the discovery, for example, that diseases such as
plague and so forth could be curtailed by isolation of
the sick--but, above all, the discovery that smallpox
could be controlled by vaccination. And by the year 1800
there were people who were frenziedly working in Europe
to vaccinate Europe.
I remember in my doctorate dissertation I did research
in the Archives in Milan and I came across a Dr. Sacco,
who spent his whole life apparently 20 hours a day, year
after year, trying to vaccinate people in northern Italy
faster than people were being born in northern Italy. At
that time Napoleon was the king of Italy, after 1805.
Every year Sacco sent in a report and in the report he
divided up Napoleon's northern Italy into departments.
He took the number of people born and the number he had
vaccinated in each department; and in any department
where he hadn't vaccinated at least as many as were
born, he had a word of apology and explanation as to why
he couldn't do it - - insufficient funds, insufficient
time, insufficient assistance, and so forth. Well, this
is what I mean by the first stage of this revolution in
sanitation - - the vaccination - isolation stage.
Well, approximately 60 or 70 years later we got the
second stage in the sanitation revolution; that is, the
stage that we might call the antiseptic stage. We
associate it with the work of Pasteur and Lord Lister,
which showed very clearly that most disease is due to
microbes, and by controlling the microbe you can control
the disease. This was, of course, a tremendous step
Now, again, later in our own century we have had
tremendous revolutionary developments in sanitation and
in general medicine associated with the antibiotics,
chemistry, surgical techniques, artificial valves in
hearts, and all kinds of such things. The result of this
is that by the revolution in sanitation we have
drastically reduced the death rate, leading to a birth
increase in population.
That is a perfectly satisfactory thing, because if we
increase the population as a result of item six, we have
the food to feed them as the result of item four, and we
have tasks for them to do as the result of item five. In
other words, they follow along once again in a sequence
which makes sense and which is helpful to any country or
civilization which wishes to absorb it.
Now we come to the demographic explosion. The
demographic explosion results from the revolution in
sanitation, and I would like to look at table 2 at this
point to show you.

Section - Lecture Part 2

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