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Lectures by Professor Carroll Quigley



History of the Pre-Revolutionary Origins of the USSR

Address given on April 2, 1951, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published as ICAF Publication No. L51-134

     Introduction by Dr. M. S. Reichley


     General Discussion



Pre-Revolutionary History of the USSR

Address given on March 17, 1952, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published as ICAF Publication No. L52-116

     Introduction by Dr. M. S. Reichley


     General Discussion



The Development of the Soviet Economy

Address given on March 25, 1953, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published as ICAF Publication No. L53-120

     Introduction by Colonel T.A. O'Neil


     General Discussion



Comparative National Cultures

Address given on November 13, 1957, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published as ICAF Publication No. L58-54.

     Introduction by Colonel T.L. Crystal, Jr., USAF

     Lecture, Part I

     Lecture, Part II

     General Discussion



Pre-Revolution Origin of the USSR

Address given on March 19, 1958, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published as ICAF Publication No. L58-126


     General Discussion



Antecedents of the Soviet Regime in Russia

Address given on March 7, 1960, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published as ICAF Publication No. 1.60-143


     General Discussion



     Changing Cognitive Systems as a Unifying Technique in American Studies

           Address given in November 1966 at The American Studies Association.



     Round Table Review: The Naked Capitalist

           Taken from: Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (Vol. 6, Num. 3/4 - Autumn-Winter 1971), pp. 99-116 



     Dissent: Do We Need It?

           Address given on August 24, 1970, at The National War College and later published in Perspectives in Defense Management (January 1971), pp. 21-30.

     General Crises in Civilizations

           Lecture given at The American Association for the Advancement of Science - 139th Meeting



     The Mythology of American Democracy

            Address given on August 17, 1972, at The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and later published in Perspectives in Defense Management (Winter 1972-73), pp. 49-58.



The World Since 1914

           His last two lectures for this Georgetown University undergraduate course.

     May 5, 1976 - Text

     May 5, 1976 - Audio  

     May 7, 1976 - Text

     May 7, 1976 - Audio  



Public Authority and the State in the Western Tradition: A Thousand Years of Growth, 976-1976

     Introduction by Dean Peter F. Krogh, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service

     I: October 13, 1976 "The State of Communities," A.D. 976 - 1576



     II: October 20, 1976 "The State of Estates," A.D. 1576 - 1776



     III: October 29, 1976 "The State of Individuals," A.D. 1776 - 1976



     Quigley Chair Endowment Brochure

        Fundraising brochure distributed prior to above lecture

     Invitation - Oscar Iden Lectures


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